Usage Policy
To book a date for your event, please contact Maria White 315-778-3233 or email: [email protected]

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Please sign and return prior to your event. Thank you.
The Copley House (Lyme Community Center) is available for both private and public gatherings.
Donations are accepted and greatly appreciated. All donations go into the maintenance and sustainment fund of the Copley House to ensure continued community use.
Expectations for Proponents
• The Lyme Community Center (Copley House) is a tobacco free zone.
• LCC expects the proponent to make arrangements to ensure they leave the House as clean or cleaner than they found it.
• For gatherings of more than fifty people involving alcohol, documentation of a cleaning contract must be submitted to the LCC staff.
• Proponents may bring in furniture to meet the needs of their gathering. A limited number of folding chairs and craft tables are available to use.
• All proponents of gatherings are required to take their trash with them (please do not leave trash in the garage cans.)
• All items brought in for a gathering (i.e., food, serving pieces, linens, furniture, tents, porta-johns, etc.) must be promptly removed from the premises within the scheduled time.
• Set-up and tear-down is the responsibility of the proponent.
• The proponents of the gathering are responsible for arranging and paying vendors for everything they require to include music, tents, flowers, photography etc.
• Inclusion of pets or domestic animals will be determined on an event-by-event basis. Owners will clean up after their animals.
• There is no parking on the lawn. Event proponents will be responsible for damage to the landscape associated with parking infractions.
• The Copley House is a historical building. Proponents may not tape or nail items to the walls. Several easels are available for displays and can be found in the closet by the front door.
The Copley House (Lyme Community Center) is available for both private and public gatherings.
Donations are accepted and greatly appreciated. All donations go into the maintenance and sustainment fund of the Copley House to ensure continued community use.
Expectations for Proponents
• The Lyme Community Center (Copley House) is a tobacco free zone.
• LCC expects the proponent to make arrangements to ensure they leave the House as clean or cleaner than they found it.
• For gatherings of more than fifty people involving alcohol, documentation of a cleaning contract must be submitted to the LCC staff.
• Proponents may bring in furniture to meet the needs of their gathering. A limited number of folding chairs and craft tables are available to use.
• All proponents of gatherings are required to take their trash with them (please do not leave trash in the garage cans.)
• All items brought in for a gathering (i.e., food, serving pieces, linens, furniture, tents, porta-johns, etc.) must be promptly removed from the premises within the scheduled time.
• Set-up and tear-down is the responsibility of the proponent.
• The proponents of the gathering are responsible for arranging and paying vendors for everything they require to include music, tents, flowers, photography etc.
• Inclusion of pets or domestic animals will be determined on an event-by-event basis. Owners will clean up after their animals.
• There is no parking on the lawn. Event proponents will be responsible for damage to the landscape associated with parking infractions.
• The Copley House is a historical building. Proponents may not tape or nail items to the walls. Several easels are available for displays and can be found in the closet by the front door.